

Christopher Garcia

族裔名称:在1830年被Betsileo的北方邻居Merina征服之前,现在的Betsileo领土的主要政治单位是Lalangina(东部)、Isandra(西部)和Arindrano(南部)的各州和酋长领地。 Betsileo "这一族裔标签是Merina征服的产物;它没有出现在Etienne de Flacourt出版的马达加斯加社会名单中。根据法国探险家的说法,"Arindrano"(Eringdranes)一词在十七世纪中期就已经开始使用。









Dubois, H-M. (1938). Monographie des betsileo. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie.

弗拉库尔,艾蒂安-德(1661年)。"马达加斯加大岛的历史"。 关于马达加斯加的古代出版物集》、 A. Grandidier编辑,9:1-426。 巴黎:Union Coloniale。

Kent, R. (1970). 马达加斯加的早期王国(1500-1700年)、 New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Kottak, Conrad R (1971a). "马达加斯加的文化适应、亲属关系和血统"。 西南人类学杂志》(Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 27(2): 129-147.

See_also: 亲属关系 - 马京达瑙

Kottak, Conrad P. (1971b). "Southern Betsileo中的社会团体和亲属计算"。 美国人类学家 73:178-193.

Kottak, Conrad P. (1972). "A Cultural Adaptive Approach to Malagasy Political Organization." In 社会交换和互动、 密歇根大学,人类学博物馆的人类学论文,第46号。

Kottak, Conrad P. (1977). "马达加斯加的国家形成过程"。 美国民族学家 4:136-155.

Kottak, Conrad P. (1980). 现在的过去:马达加斯加高原的历史、生态和文化差异。 Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Kottak, Conrad P., J-A. Rakotoarisoa, Aidan Southall, and P. Vérin(1986)。 马达加斯加:社会和历史。 Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.

See_also: 华奥

Vérin, P., Conrad P. Kottak, and P. Gorlin (1970). "The Glottochronology of Malagasy Speech Communities." 。 海洋语言学 8(1): 26-83.

Conrad P. Kottak

Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia is a seasoned writer and researcher with a passion for cultural studies. As the author of the popular blog, World Culture Encyclopedia, he strives to share his insights and knowledge with a global audience. With a master's degree in anthropology and extensive travel experience, Christopher brings a unique perspective to the cultural world. From the intricacies of food and language to the nuances of art and religion, his articles offer fascinating perspectives on the diverse expressions of humanity. Christopher's engaging and informative writing has been featured in numerous publications, and his work has attracted a growing following of cultural enthusiasts. Whether delving into the traditions of ancient civilizations or exploring the latest trends in globalization, Christopher is dedicated to illuminating the rich tapestry of human culture.