塔拉乌马拉人 - 亲属关系

 塔拉乌马拉人 - 亲属关系

Christopher Garcia

绰号:Ralámuli, Rarámuri, Tarahumar, Tarahumari, Taraumar






亲属群体和后裔。 塔拉乌马拉人以双边方式计算血统,没有团体的亲属群体。 他们的亲属术语被归类为新哈瓦伊人。





Bennett, Wendell C, and Robert M. Zingg (1935). 塔拉乌马拉人:墨西哥北部的一个印第安部落。 芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社。

See_also: 亲属关系、婚姻和家庭 - 马恩岛

冈萨雷斯-罗德里格斯,路易斯(1984)。 塔拉乌马拉山脉的火山口。 墨西哥城:公共教育秘书处。

Kennedy, John G. (1978). 马德雷山脉的塔拉乌马拉人: 啤酒 , 生态学,和社会组织。 Arlington Heights, Ill.: AHM Publishing Corp.

See_also: 经济 - 牦牛

卢姆霍兹,卡尔(1902)。 未知的墨西哥。 2卷,纽约:Charles Scribner's Sons。

Merrill, William L. (1988). Rarámuri Souls: Knowledge and Social Process in Northern Mexico. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Pennington, Campbell W. (1963). 墨西哥的Tarahumar人:他们的环境和物质文化。 盐湖城:犹他大学出版社。

Sheridan, Thomas E., and Thomas H. Naylor, eds. (1979)。 Rarámuri: A Tarahumara Colonial Chronicle, 1607-1791. 弗拉格斯塔夫,亚利桑那州:北地出版社。

Velasco Rivero, Pedro de (1983). Danzar o morir: Religión y resistencia a la dominación en la cultura Tarahumar. 墨西哥城:神学反思中心(Centro de Reflexión Teológica)。


Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia is a seasoned writer and researcher with a passion for cultural studies. As the author of the popular blog, World Culture Encyclopedia, he strives to share his insights and knowledge with a global audience. With a master's degree in anthropology and extensive travel experience, Christopher brings a unique perspective to the cultural world. From the intricacies of food and language to the nuances of art and religion, his articles offer fascinating perspectives on the diverse expressions of humanity. Christopher's engaging and informative writing has been featured in numerous publications, and his work has attracted a growing following of cultural enthusiasts. Whether delving into the traditions of ancient civilizations or exploring the latest trends in globalization, Christopher is dedicated to illuminating the rich tapestry of human culture.