

Christopher Garcia

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Wishram(Echeloots、Haxluit、Tlakluit)与Wasco(Galasqo)构成了上奇努克族,居住在俄勒冈州中北部和华盛顿州中南部哥伦比亚河的The Dalles附近。 今天,Wishram居住在他们的传统领地和雅基马印第安保留地。 Wasco与北派特族和其他群体一起居住在温泉印第安保留地,在俄勒冈州。 他们说的是Penutian系统的Chinook语言。


French, David H. (1961). "Wasco-Wishram." In 美国印第安人文化变化的观点、 爱德华-H-斯派塞编辑,357-430。 芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社。

See_also: 历史和文化关系 - 奥克特人

French, David H. (1985). "哥伦比亚河畔的斑马:想象中的Wasco-Wishram的真实动物名称"。 国际美国语言学杂志 51:410-412.

Spier, Leslie, and Edward Sapir (1930). "Wishram Ethnography". 威斯康辛大学人类学出版物 3:151-300. 麦迪逊.

See_also: 旁遮普人 - 简介, 位置, 语言, 民俗, 宗教, 主要节日, 成长仪式 还请阅读有关文章 维斯拉姆 来自维基百科

Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia is a seasoned writer and researcher with a passion for cultural studies. As the author of the popular blog, World Culture Encyclopedia, he strives to share his insights and knowledge with a global audience. With a master's degree in anthropology and extensive travel experience, Christopher brings a unique perspective to the cultural world. From the intricacies of food and language to the nuances of art and religion, his articles offer fascinating perspectives on the diverse expressions of humanity. Christopher's engaging and informative writing has been featured in numerous publications, and his work has attracted a growing following of cultural enthusiasts. Whether delving into the traditions of ancient civilizations or exploring the latest trends in globalization, Christopher is dedicated to illuminating the rich tapestry of human culture.