亲属关系 - Cubeo

 亲属关系 - Cubeo

Christopher Garcia

亲属群体和后裔。 库比奥人认为自己是由特定的经济、社会组织和意识形态组成的单位。 他们由谱系深度较浅的父系氏族组成,从大到小,其成员无法与各自的创始人建立直接的谱系联系。 每个氏族由一个或几个父系组成,从大到小依次排列,成员承认最后,世系由核心家庭或复合家庭组成。 Cubeo氏族被分为三个外族短语,其群体相互称兄道弟。"因为他们有相同的起源地和来自祖先Anaconda的后裔、其他族群甚至其他民族的某些部分被认为是子宫亲属("母亲的儿子"),因为他们是潜在妻子的儿子,而这些妻子曾经或正在嫁给与Ego不同的单位,影响了传统的姐妹交换的习惯原则。 这个群体,被称为A pakoma、 包括一个短语群的 "兄弟 "和子宫内的亲属,并构成禁止结婚的外生殖单位。

亲属关系术语。 库比奥的亲属关系术语遵循德拉维德体系的原则。 族谱深度不超过五代--比Ego大的两代和小的两代。 Alter的性别用相关的后缀标记。 词汇中存在指称和词汇的差异,对于某些类别的亲属,每个性别都使用个性化的术语。 近亲的亲属有从术语上看,Ego这一代的近亲被区分为年长者和年幼者。 除了区分交叉和平行的表亲,对子宫内的亲属也有区分,他们被称为 "母亲的孩子"。

还请阅读有关文章 丘比奥 来自维基百科

Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia is a seasoned writer and researcher with a passion for cultural studies. As the author of the popular blog, World Culture Encyclopedia, he strives to share his insights and knowledge with a global audience. With a master's degree in anthropology and extensive travel experience, Christopher brings a unique perspective to the cultural world. From the intricacies of food and language to the nuances of art and religion, his articles offer fascinating perspectives on the diverse expressions of humanity. Christopher's engaging and informative writing has been featured in numerous publications, and his work has attracted a growing following of cultural enthusiasts. Whether delving into the traditions of ancient civilizations or exploring the latest trends in globalization, Christopher is dedicated to illuminating the rich tapestry of human culture.