定居点 - 西部阿帕奇

 定居点 - 西部阿帕奇

Christopher Garcia

随着园艺的采用,西部阿帕奇人与农耕地长期联系在一起。 这种联系是季节性的,当地的群体由几个母系-母系的大家庭组成( ǞǞǞ 地方群体的规模从35人到200人不等,对某些农田和狩猎地点有专属权。 相邻的地方群体通过婚姻、地区接近和方言松散地联系起来、1850年有20个这样的部落,每个部落由大约4个当地群体组成。 他们的人种学名称,如Cibecue Creek Band或Carrizo Creek Band,反映了他们的流域特性。

在白山阿帕奇保留地,有两个主要的社区在Cibecue和Whiteriver,在圣卡洛斯保留地,有两个社区在圣卡洛斯和Bylas。 传统的住房是指维基普(Wickiup) 贡嘎 白山阿帕奇人有一个特别积极的发展计划,他们拥有一个购物中心、汽车旅馆、剧院、锯木厂和其他设施。滑雪场。

还请阅读有关文章 西部阿帕奇人 来自维基百科

Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia is a seasoned writer and researcher with a passion for cultural studies. As the author of the popular blog, World Culture Encyclopedia, he strives to share his insights and knowledge with a global audience. With a master's degree in anthropology and extensive travel experience, Christopher brings a unique perspective to the cultural world. From the intricacies of food and language to the nuances of art and religion, his articles offer fascinating perspectives on the diverse expressions of humanity. Christopher's engaging and informative writing has been featured in numerous publications, and his work has attracted a growing following of cultural enthusiasts. Whether delving into the traditions of ancient civilizations or exploring the latest trends in globalization, Christopher is dedicated to illuminating the rich tapestry of human culture.